Friday, November 14, 2008

Good Old Provo

Alright, so I have been talking to my cousin Ali (she now goes by Alex but I am stuck on Ali) recently and she told me she had a blog. Also so many people have told me or emailed me about their blogs so I guess I am deciding to start one for all those people at home that want to hear about my life out here in Utah. Well right now I am sitting in the Benson Building studying for a New Testament quiz and waiting for my chemistry class to start. I really don't want to take this quiz because my mom is flying in today and should be here soon so I would much rather just go home and be with her. Her being here will be nice just because I have been stressed out lately about school work and stuff. I found out a couple weeks ago that I did not get into the nursing school which was not shocking to me because I didn't have the best of grades and it is really competitive. So, recently I have decided, but not declared, my major should be Exercise Science and go on to graduate school and do Physical Therapy. I really liked anatomy last year and physiolgoy is interesting to me so thought this would be a good route to take. I need to talk to more people about it just to see if it is really right for me to go down that path. It is so stressfull picking out your major when you really don't know what you like and even if you like certain things what is the right choice? Well, overall this really has been a rollacoster of a semester because it was such a different change from last year, such as living in an apartment, new roomates, harder classes, many of my guy friends are gone, and much more. I have never flet settled here yet this semester so hopefully next semester will be better cause I can start to ski! that is like my saving graces out here because it takes my mind of everything and I am decently ok at it, so it makes me feel good about myself. Every time I look in my closet and see my skis I want to pull them out and drive to Park City, Snowbird, Alta, or wherever and just go skiing. It's kinda funny but my dream job is to work at a ski resort and be one of the medical people there because I love almost anything medical and then I can ski all the time! It's perfect! Well, who knows if I will keep this up but I'll try my best and put pictures and other things up. I know who will like this the most is probably my grandmother :) Love you Tootsie!

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