Since I have never been to the California, Greg and I decided to visit his hometown near Sacramento two weekends ago (Nov 4th to 7th). It is about a 10 hour drive and we left provo around 5:30pm and didn't get there until about 2:30am. So in the spirit of road trips I feel asleep as always, there is just something about cars and planes that just rock me right to sleep! But, Greg woke me up towards the end because he was getting bored haha :)
Day 1
That morning we woke up and went to the gym where the guy was a jerk about letting me in because I didn't belong to that particular 24 Hour Fitness but eventually with Greg's persuasion skills we got in. After a good workout we went to Chipotle with his Mom, kind of counter productive but hey I like both so it is ok in my book! Chipotle was wonderful as always. After we were full of yummy food Greg and I drove around and he showed me where he went to school, seminary building (which was SO FAR I am glad my ward rented a room at Whitman), and the Temple where his dad works. It is a very pretty temple as most of them are and Tootsie would have loved the flowers but... I will still always love the DC Temple the best :) Of course there was an outlet mall right near the temple so we HAD to stop and get some clothes :) I think Greg got a little annoyed with how long we were in Banana Republic...oops! but they didn't have a JCrew! ahhh! Well that was a long day so we went home and relaxed a little and talked with his parents and then he took me out to BJ's Restaurant which I went to in TX but only got the Pazookie, this time I got a really yummy pizza AND a Pazzokie :) (Pazzokie = big cookie topped with Ice cream = very yummy!)

There were Turkeys running around the Temple grounds!
Day 2
We met up with his older brother (Brian) and his wife (Amy) for a picnic lunch at this really pretty park. The sandwiches we had were huge and sooo good! When we were done we tossed the football around which was fun but Greg's family is pretty athletic and Amy isn't the greatest at throwing things but she is a good sport about participating and confident in herself even if she was was giving everyone a good laugh :) I hopefully was up to par with their standards! haha oh well if not...
Then we went home and his mom made a delicious meal of stake and potatoes... in my book this is a perfect meal :) For dessert we went to this little store that had amazing cake. Greg and I got the pumpkin with cream cheese frosting... YUMM! Then movie night! we watched The Pursuit of Happiness... one of my favorite movies.
The next day we went to church for sacrament meeting and then headed back to good ol' provo... we really didn't want to leave even if it was raining that day. The other days were beautiful and warm... such a good break from cold utah!